A white carnation/Pink
Perfect love
Carnations have had a bad press, but I love them massed together with sprigs of lavender for a modern twist on a country garden look.
Carnations have had a bad press, but I love them massed together with sprigs of lavender for a modern twist on a country garden look.
Sensitivity, delicacy, bliss
Use a jam jar filled with mint, Alchemilla mollis and the modest yet beautiful cornflower.
Use a jam jar filled with mint, Alchemilla mollis and the modest yet beautiful cornflower.
Blue hyacinth
For a very classical arrangement use a silver bowl filled with blue hyacinth, lime green balls of Viburnum opulus and eucalyptus.
For a very classical arrangement use a silver bowl filled with blue hyacinth, lime green balls of Viburnum opulus and eucalyptus.
Oak leaf
Encouragement ‘Don’t lose hope! Love will triumph’
Look fantastic scattered over tables for a truly autumnal look.
Look fantastic scattered over tables for a truly autumnal look.
Use a sprig in your bouquet.
Use a sprig in your bouquet.
A wreath of holly and ivy and a touch of blue pine is a perfect welcome to a winter party.
A wreath of holly and ivy and a touch of blue pine is a perfect welcome to a winter party.
Friendship, loyalty and marriage
Beautiful in winter and great for garlands.
Beautiful in winter and great for garlands.
In the summer, create a magical forest with large 10-15ft birch branches decorated with fairy lights.
In the summer, create a magical forest with large 10-15ft birch branches decorated with fairy lights.
Crab apple
In Cornwall it was said that if a girl slept with a crab apple under her pillow it would ensure a good husband!
Put two or three stems of crab apple in a tall thick based vase – nothing more!
Put two or three stems of crab apple in a tall thick based vase – nothing more!